by our bees
Awareness is a word we consider very important and it’s something that has constantly been tickling our curiousity and passion with which we take care of our bees. Caring of them 360 degrees is really motivating and inspiring, it allows us to learn more and more about their world.
Time in apiary is slow and full, it’s a time that smells of traditions and authenticity. A distended time that let us stopping and thinking ‘Wow bees can do so much!’
Indeed we are always impressed by how much they can give, by the quantity of products that they (and only they) can produce, and all so genuine, healthy and good.
Every year the magic takes place: golden honey waterfalls and much more. As a matter of fact, we enjoy making experiments with this last one by creating our Mead, but we are enchanted as well by the world of beewax with which we create our scented candles.
However, we don't want to spoil too much here... we prefer to speak about this all a bit deeper here below!

here they are, our beegarden products, made with love by our bees (with our little contribution too):

Our honey
Our honey is a multiflora one, this means that it’s a truly fresh-squeezed flower juice from the region where we live, the Saxonian Swiss. We have both Spring multiflora, that smells of cherry trees, apple trees, dandelion and rapefields, but also Summer multiflora, that hugs you mainly with our linden aroma.
One is more compact, crystalised and light couloured, the other one is thicker, velvety and amber coloured.
You can find them both in 500 g pots, and in mini pocket-version pots (30 g), ready to be always with you.
Our mead
After years of experiments, tasting sessions and trials, we managed: we found our secret recipe! Mead, that is basically water and honey fermented (for this reason it’s alcoholic, in our case 15,5%) is perfect to sip fresh with desserts, but also nice warm like vin brulé (indeed, you can find it in any christmas market of this region). For sure, it’s synonimous of conviviality, coziness and magic. It’s perfect to make even more special the moments you share with the people that you love.
We have created three different varieties (in 750ml bottles):
– Johannisbär: where we have added Bio currant juice
– Zauberapfel: where we have added Bio apple juice
– Wikingerbier: with sage and hops, directly from our vegetable garden

Our candles
Did you know that bees are the very only animal able of producing wax (and honey too)? Our little candles are 100% beewax from our hives, without additives, without paraffin, without colourants. They are simply this way, as mamma (bee) had made it. At the moment we have four different shapes, but it could be that in the future they will increase because they are so cute… needless to mention their amazing scent, a mix of honey, pollen and propolis. They can be definetely a beautiful and unique present!
But let’s stop all the chit-chat, here our candles:
– bee korb: this is the smallest one and it’s the candle that we used as little present/memory for the baptism of Maya and our nephew Elia
– The hexagon: very simple, with a clear reference to the bees thanks to the hexagonal cells that cover it and the bees here and there
– the knot: symbol of bond, affection, love, a thread that connects and never breaks
– the hearted one: this is the biggest candle that we have, it’s a cube covered by hearts, a truly concentrate of love

very important:
the labels of these products have been thought, created, delivered by Cristina's cousin, Eleonora, the graphic designer of our heart. She has put much commitment and has been so kind in putting her time, passion and talent to make even more special our products. Right this team work, family work, is something that we love so much and makes our hearts beat!
Do you want to find out more about bees through what they create? Would you enjoy any treatment with genuine and good products? Are you looking for a healthy made-with-love present? Would you like to have in your hands something unique and special?